iOS Integration
Getting started
Integration Example
You can find our Bluedot – Airship iOS Example on GitHub or follow the steps below to integrate Airship and Bluedot PointSDK.
Integrate Airship SDK into your App
Details on integrating the Airship SDK can be found on their documentation website here.
Integrate your project with Bluedot PointSDK
To integrate PointSDK, please refer to the integration steps here
Interaction between Airship SDK and Bluedot PointSDK
Start Airship Services
Import AirshipKit to your class.
import AirshipCore
Take off Airship Services from
method in yourAppDelegate
// Create Airship config
let config = AirshipConfig()
// Set production and development separately.
// Set default credentials. Alternatively you can set production and development separately
// More details please see
config.developmentAppKey = "YOUR DEV APP KEY"
config.developmentAppSecret = "YOUR DEV APP SECRET"
config.productionAppKey = "YOUR PRODUCTION APP KEY"
config.productionAppSecret = "YOUR PRODUCTION APP SECRET"
// Change to true to use the production appKey/appSecret
config.inProduction = false
// Set site. Either .us or .eu = .us
// Allow lists. Use * to allow anything
config.urlAllowList = ["*"]
// Call takeOff
Airship.takeOff(config, launchOptions: launchOptions)
// User notifications will not be enabled until userPushNotificationsEnabled is
// set YES on UAPush. Once enabled, the setting will be persisted and the user
// will be prompted to allow notifications. Normally, you should wait for a more
// appropriate time to enable push to increase the likelihood that the user will
// accept notifications.
Airship.push.userPushNotificationsEnabled = true
Setup Bluedot Location Services
Import Bluedot PointSDK.
import BDPointSDK
which is the entry-point for an app to start using PointSDK.BDLocationManager.instance()?.geoTriggeringEventDelegate = self
Initialize the PointSDK
if BDLocationManager.instance()?.isInitialized() == false {
withProjectId: projectId) { error in
guard error == nil else {
print("Initialisation Error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
print( "Initialised successfully with Point sdk" )
}Start Geo-triggering feature after PointSDK is initialized:
BDLocationManager.instance()?.startGeoTriggering() { error in
guard error == nil else {
print("There was an error starting geo-triggering with the Bluedot SDK: \(error.localizedDescription)")
}Receiving Geo-trigger events
extension AppDelegate: BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate {
func didEnterZone(_ enterEvent: GeoTriggerEvent){
print("I have entered a zone.")
func didExitZone(_ exitEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
print("I have exited a zone")
Only Custom Actions
defined for a Zone will trigger Check-in and Check-out callbacks.
does not apply to Geoline™.
Use case
Objective**:** Trigger an automated message
pushed to end-user when the device checks in a geofence
or Geoline™
Setting automated message: Setup via Airship
portal will be triggered when a new event is posted.
func didEnterZone(_ enterEvent: GeoTriggerEvent){
let customEvent = CustomEvent(name: "bluedot_place_entered")
customEvent.interactionType = "location"
customEvent.interactionID =
// Set Bluedot Zone Custom Data
var bluedotProperties = [String : String]()
enterEvent.zoneInfo.customData.forEach { (key, value) in
bluedotProperties[key] = value
bluedotProperties["bluedot_zone_name"] =
// Assign custom event properties = bluedotProperties
// Record the event in analytics
func didExitZone(_ exitEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
let customEvent = CustomEvent(name: "bluedot_place_exited")
customEvent.interactionType = "location"
customEvent.interactionID =
// Set Bluedot Zone Custom Data
var bluedotProperties = [String : String]()
exitEvent.zoneInfo.customData.forEach { (key, value) in
bluedotProperties[key] = value
bluedotProperties["bluedot_zone_name"] =
// Set dwell time
if let milliseconds = triggerEvent.exitEvent?.dwellTime {
let minutes = milliseconds / 1000 / 60
bluedotProperties["dwell_time"] = String(format: "%.2f", ceil(minutes * 100) / 100)
// assign custom event properties = bluedotProperties
// Record the event in analytics