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Android Integration

Getting Started

Integration Example

You can find our Bluedot – Airship Android Example on GitHub or follow the steps below to integrate Airship and Bluedot PointSDK.

Integrate Airship SDK into your App

Details on integrating the Airship SDK can be found on their documentation website here.

Integrate Bluedot PointSDK in your Project

To integrate Point SDK, please refer to the integration steps here

Interaction between Airship SDK and Bluedot PointSDK

Start Airship Services

1. Start Airship services by overriding onCreate in your custom Application class

override fun onCreate() {    

UAirship.takeOff(this, OnReadyCallback {
// Enable user notifications
it.pushManager.userNotificationsEnabled = true

or add Autopilot configuration to AndroidManifest.xml

<meta-data android:name="com.urbanairship.autopilot" android:value="com.package.yourAirshipAutopilotClass"/>

Setup Bluedot Location Services

1. Start PointSDK at the entry point in your application by overriding onCreate() and replace your Bluedot ProjectId in <Your Bluedot Project ID>:

// start Point SDK
boolean locationPermissionGranted = ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getApplicationContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED

if (locationPermissionGranted) {
serviceManager = ServiceManager.getInstance(this);
if (!serviceManager.isBluedotServiceInitialized()) {
InitializationResultListener resultListener = bdError -> {
String text = "Initialization Result "

if (bdError != null) {
text = text + bdError.reason
Log.i("Bluedot", text)
else {
serviceManager.initialize("<Your Bluedot Project ID>", resultListener)

2. Start Geo-triggering feature

public void startGeoTriggering() {
// Start Geo-triggering feature
.start(this, geoTriggerError -> {
if (geoTriggerError != null) {
Log.i("Bluedot", "Error in starting GeoTrigger" + geoTriggerError.reason)
else {
Log.i("Bluedot", "GeoTrigger started successfully")

3. Receiving Geo-trigger events

Create a receiver in the Manifest to receive Geo-trigger events (such as entering a location):

<application android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="io.bluedot.point.GEOTRIGGER" />

Implement the receiver

public class ExampleGeoTriggerReceiver extends GeoTriggeringEventReceiver {
public void onZoneEntryEvent(@NotNull ZoneEntryEvent entryEvent, @NotNull Context context) {

public void onZoneExitEvent(@NotNull ZoneExitEvent exitEvent, @NotNull Context context) {

Exit does not apply to GEOLINE™.

Use Case

Objective: To trigger automated message pushed to the user when their device checks in into Geofence .

Setting Automated Message: Automated message to be setup via Urban Airship Dashboard, to trigger when a new event is posted.

override fun onZoneEntryEvent(entryEvent: ZoneEntryEvent, context: Context) {
val builder = CustomEvent.Builder("bluedot_place_entered")
builder.setInteraction("location", entryEvent.zoneInfo.zoneId)
entryEvent.zoneInfo.zoneName?.let { builder.addProperty("bluedot_zone_name", it) }
entryEvent.zoneInfo.customData?.let {
for ((key, value) in it) {
builder.addProperty(key, value)
val event =

override fun onZoneExitEvent(exitEvent: ZoneExitEvent, context: Context) {
val builder = CustomEvent.Builder("bluedot_place_exited")
builder.setInteraction("location", exitEvent.zoneInfo.zoneId)
exitEvent.zoneInfo.zoneName?.let { builder.addProperty("bluedot_zone_name", it) }
exitEvent.zoneInfo.customData?.let {
for ((key, value) in it) {
builder.addProperty(key, value)

if (exitEvent.dwellTime != -1) {
builder.addProperty("dwell_time", exitEvent.dwellTime)
val event =