iOS Integration
Getting started
This documentation depends on Bluedot PointSDK and CleverTap SDK. Both dependencies can be managed by CocoaPods or Carthage.
Integrate your project with Bluedot Point SDK
You can find detailed instructions here
Import BDPointSDK to your class:
import BDPointSDK
Implement Bluedot
:extension YourClass: BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate {
func didEnterZone(_ enterEvent: BDZoneEntryEvent) {
// Your logic when the device enters a Bluedot Zone
func didExitZone(_ exitEvent: BDZoneExitEvent) {
// Your logic when the device leaves a Bluedot Zone
}Assign GeoTriggeringEvent delegate with your implementation
let instanceOfYourClass = YourClass()
BDLocationManager.instance()?.geoTriggeringEventDelegate = instanceOfYourClassAuthenticate with the Bluedot services
BDLocationManager.instance()?.initialize(withProjectId: projectId){ error in
guard error == nil else {
print("There was an error initializing the Bluedot SDK: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Integrate your project with CleverTap SDK
Import CleverTap-iOS-SDK to your class
import CleverTapSDK
Add CleverTap credentials to associate your iOS app with your CleverTap account, you will need to add your CleverTap credentials in the Info.plist file in your application. For more information on integrating CleverTap SDK, please refer to CleverTap Developer Documentation
Then start CleverTap within the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// Track CleverTap custom events in your Bluedot Entry / Exit events.
func didEnterZone(_ enterEvent: BDZoneEntryEvent) {
// Name the custom event
let customEventName = YOUR CUSTOM EVEN NAME
// Map the Location and Zone attributes into a properties dictionary
var properties = [
"bluedot_zone_id": "\(!)",
"bluedot_zone_name": "\(!)"
// Map the Custom Data attributes into properties
if let custData =, !custData.isEmpty {
custData.forEach { data in properties["\(data.key)"] = "\(data.value)"}
// Log the Custom Event in CleverTap
CleverTap.sharedInstance()?.recordEvent(customEventName, withProps: properties)