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  • Custom Event Metadata
  • Enable / Disable Zones
  • Android features
    • Foreground Notification
  • iOS features
    • App Restart Notification

Custom Event Metadata

Custom event metadata is a feature which is available in the Bluedot Point SDK for our customers to set additional event-specific metadata to our location events. For further information refer to Custom Event Metadata

It is recommended to set the Custom Event Meta Data before starting GeoTriggering or Tempo.


Maximum 20 entries can be set in custom event metadata. If more than 20 entries are set, Bluedot SDK throws an error as: Only 20 CustomEventMetaData fields are allowed.

  orderId: "order_123",
  storeId: "store_456",
  customerId: "789"

Enable / Disable Zones

An app may optionally disable (and later re-enable) Zones by calling setZoneDisableByApplication. For further information refer to Enable or disable Zones documentation (Android | iOS

const zoneIdToDisable = "your_zone_id";
const disableZone = true;

BluedotPointSdk.setZoneDisableByApplication(zoneIdToDisable, disableZone);

If you want to check if a Zone is enabled or disabled you can use the method isZoneDisablebyApplication as below

const zoneIdToDisable = "your_zone_id";

  .then(isDisable => {
    if (!isDisable) {
      BluedotPointSdk.setZoneDisableByApplication(zoneIdToDisable, true)
  .catch(error => console.error('Error', error))

Android Features

Foreground Notification

Given the restrictions on accessing location data from the background, it is recommended that the Geo-triggering service be run as a foreground service, and the Tempo service must be run as a foreground service. For more information refer to Android – Location Permission & Notifications Best Practices

The Foreground Notification method (androidNotification) is included in the GeoTriggeringBuilder and the TempoBuilder classes. It should be set up before starting any of the Geo-triggering or Tempo services as below.


const geoTriggeringService = new BluedotPointSdk.GeoTriggeringBuilder()

    "notification channel Id", 
    "notification channel name",
    "notification title",
    "notification content",
    "notification ID" // optional
    () => console.log("On success callback"),
    (error) => console.error("On error callback")


const tempoService = new BluedotPointSdk.TempoBuilder()

    "notification channel Id",
    "notification channel name"
    "notification title", 
    "notification content",
    "notification ID" // optional
    () => console.log("On success callback"),
    (error) => console.error("On error callback")

iOS Features

App Restart Notification

Bluedot Point SDK includes a method for apps to display app restart notification to user after app termination. For further details refer to iOS Features – App restart

The App restart method (iOSAppRestartNotification) is included in the GeoTriggeringBuilder. It should be set up before starting Geo-triggering. 


This feature is not available in Tempo.

const geoTriggeringService = new BluedotPointSdk.GeoTriggeringBuilder()

    "notification title", 
    "button text content"
    () => console.log("On success callback"),
    (error) => console.error("On error callback")