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Events List

Subscribe to events

BluedotPointSdk.on("event_name", (event) => console.log("Event callback", event))

Unsubscribe events

BluedotPointSdk.unsubscribe("event_name", (event) => console.log("Event callback", event))

GeoTriggering Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
enterZoneDevice enters a ZoneObject with the following properties:
  • notificationType: Entry
  • appInfo: App details
  • triggerEvents: Entry Event details with location Info and crossedFences
  • zoneInfo: Zone information with Id, name and customData
  • installRef: Unique ID assigned to the device per Geo-trigger Session
  • projectId: ProjectId of the Project used from Canvas
  • deviceInfo: Device information
  • triggerChainId: unique ID assigned to a particular Entry event
exitZoneDevice exits a ZoneObject with the following properties:
  • notificationType: Exit
  • appInfo: App details
  • triggerEvents: Exit Event details with location Info and corresponding entry event
  • zoneInfo: Zone information with Id, name and customData
  • installRef: Unique ID assigned to the device per Geo-trigger Session
  • projectId: ProjectId of the Project used from Canvas
  • deviceInfo: Device Details
  • triggerChainId: ID same as the corresponding Entry event
zoneInfoUpdateThe SDK downloads the ZonesList of Zones downloaded can be fetched from BluedotPointSdk.getZonesAndFences()

Tempo Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
tempoTrackingDidUpdateReal time ETA updates for every Tempo event send to backend .Object with the following properties:
  • eta: Estimated time of arrival to a particular store
  • etaDirection: lessThan/greaterThan from the eta value
  • destination: Destination details of the store like address, location and destinationId
  • triggerChainId: unique Id per Tempo session
tempoTrackingDidExpireTempo session has expired (Default 30 minutes).Object with the following properties: * error: Error description
tempoTrackingStoppedWithErrorTempo has stopped due to an error. The error will be passed as a parameter in the callback.Object with the following properties: * error: Error description

Helpers Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
lowPowerModeDidChangeLow power mode status changes in the deviceObject with the following properties: * isLowPowerMode: whether low power mode is enabled or disabled. <Bool>
locationAuthorizationDidChangeLocation authorization status changesObject with the following properties: previousAuthorizationStatus newAuthorizationStatus
accuracyAuthorizationDidChangeAccuracy authorization status changes. * Only for iOSObject with the following properties: previousAuthorizationStatus newAuthorizationStatus