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Start Geo-triggering

Geo-triggering allows the automatic detection of location context change events (such as entering or exiting a geofence, or crossing a Geoline™). For this capability, the SDK needs to be initialized and the app must have location permission. For many use cases, a foreground service notification is also recommended.

To start Geo-triggering, you should create and start the GeoTriggeringService.

Start with Foreground Service Notification

To achieve optimal performance of the SDK, we recommend initiating the Geo-triggering service with the Foreground Service Notification.

if (ServiceManager.getInstance(context).isBluedotServiceInitialized()) {
// The Bluedot SDK is initialized, you can start Geo-triggering.

.notification(notificationReference) // Notification to use to run Geo-triggering as a foreground service.
.notificationId(myNotificationId) // Optional id to use for foreground service notification. Use if your app will
// run additional foreground services, or you wish to update the notification.
.start(myApplicationContext, // This context should be the Application context.
error -> {
if (error != null) {
// Something went wrong when starting Geo-triggering. Handle error here.
// Geo-triggering has started successfully. Handle success here.
} else {
// The Bluedot SDK is not initialized. Initialize before starting Geo-triggering.

Start without the Foreground Service Notification

In scenarios where the Foreground Service Notification is not required, you can start the Geo-triggering service as demonstrated below. For guidance on when to use this approach, please consult your Customer Experience (CX) representative.

if (ServiceManager.getInstance(context).isBluedotServiceInitialized()) {
// The Bluedot SDK is initialized, you can start Geo-triggering.

.start(myApplicationContext, // This context should be the Application context.
error -> {
if (error != null) {
// Something went wrong when starting Geo-triggering. Handle error here.
// Geo-triggering has started successfully. Handle success here.
} else {
// The Bluedot SDK is not initialized. Initialize before starting Geo-triggering.

To learn more about the Foreground Service Notification check the Foreground service and persistent notification documentation

Receiving Geo-trigger events

Create a receiver in the Manifest to receive geo-trigger events (such as entering a location):

<application android:label="@string/app_name" >
          <action android:name="io.bluedot.point.GEOTRIGGER" />

For every Entry/Exit event generated by BluedotSDK you will receive a callback as onZoneEntryEvent/onZoneExitEvent with GeoTriggerEvent

class ExampleGeoTriggerReceiver : GeoTriggeringEventReceiver() {
    override fun onZoneInfoUpdate(context: Context) {
       // Notification that the local cache of zones has been updated
// and Zones can be fetched from ServiceManager getZonesAndFences() API

    override fun onZoneEntryEvent(entryEvent: GeoTriggerEvent, context: Context) {
       // Notification that a zone has been entered/Geoline™ crossed.

    override fun onZoneExitEvent(exitEvent: GeoTriggerEvent, context: Context) {
       // Notification that an exit detection-enabled zone has been exited.

Exit events will only trigger when the device has moved a substantial distance away from the geofence. Detection of Exit events may not be as immediate as Entry events.

Stop Geo-triggering

If you only need geo-triggering for a limited period, once that period is over, you can stop the geo-trigger service.

GeoTriggeringService.stop(myContext, error -> { 
if (error != null) {
// Something went wrong stopping Geo-triggering. Handle error here.

// Geo-triggering stopped successfully. Handle success here.

Geo-triggering start and stop status are provided through callbacks on the  geoTriggeringStatusListener, implemented as lambda functions in the above examples.