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Using the Orders API

This section walks you through each endpoint of the Orders API, explaining its functionality and providing real-world examples to help you integrate it effectively into your workflows.

1. Create Order

Use this endpoint to register a new order in Hello Screens when the orderId is unique and hasn’t been created within the last 24 hours. Ideal for initiating order tracking workflows.


POST /orders


  • x-bluedot-api-key:  <your_api_key> (required)
  • Content-Typeapplication/json

Request Payload Example:

"projectId": "1111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"destinationId": "Store-001",
"orderId": "1234",
"customerName": "Alia Lopez",
"eventType": "onTheWay",
"hsFields": {
"Mobile Number": "0411234567",
"Car Model": "Hyndai Tucson",
"Car Color": "White",
"Car Plate": "NM1234",
"Parking Bay": "1"
"customEventMetaData": {
"Mobile Number": "0411234567",
"Car Model": "Hyndai Tucson",
"Car Color": "White",
"Car Plate": "NM1234",

Response Example (Success):

"destinationId": "south-yarra",
"projectId": "0bf79864-e556-45f2-94c0-259a2f939033",
"orderId": "1234",
"userToken": "LaBpkkR",
"status": "Registered",
"customerName": "Alia Lopez",
"hsFields": {
"Mobile Number": "0411234567",
"Car Model": "Hyndai Tucson",
"Car Color": "White",
"Car Plate": "NM1234",
"Parking Bay": "1"
"lastUpdateTime": "2024-12-03T02:00:33.317Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2024-12-03T02:00:33.317Z",
"isAcknowledged": false,
"helloId": "8a883760-f9e1-4b62-9ea1-e8a215f5fb2e"

2. Update Order

Use this endpoint to modify the details of an existing order, such as updating delivery information, item quantities, or the order’s status. Ensure the userToken matches the original order.


PUT /orders/{orderId}


  • x-bluedot-api-key:  <your_api_key> (required)
  • Content-Typeapplication/json

Request Payload Example:

In this request we’ll update the order previously created with a new eventType and hsFields details.

  • "eventType":"arrival" to notify the store that the customer has arrived at the curbside parking area.
  • Add the "Parking Bay" details in the hsFields to make this information available to store staff in Hello Screens.
"projectId": "1111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"destinationId": "Store-001",
"orderId": "1234",
"customerName": "Alia Lopez",
"eventType": "arrival",
"hsFields": {
"Parking Bay": "1"

Response Example (Success):

"destinationId": "south-yarra",
"projectId": "0bf79864-e556-45f2-94c0-259a2f939033",
"orderId": "1234",
"userToken": "LaBpkkR",
"status": "Registered",
"customerName": "Alia Lopez",
"hsFields": {
"Mobile Number": "0411234567",
"Car Model": "Hyndai Tucson",
"Car Color": "White",
"Car Plate": "NM1234",
"Parking Bay": "1"
"lastUpdateTime": "2024-12-03T02:00:33.317Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2024-12-03T02:00:33.317Z",
"isAcknowledged": false,
"helloId": "8a883760-f9e1-4b62-9ea1-e8a215f5fb2e"